Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Tugging of the Heart.

I stand to wonder why? Why she tugs my heart, Why people see outward beauty but I only see the beauty within, Her Love for people, Her love for her friends and family only reflect the pureness of her heart. I wish......Yea I wish I could give her the world, give her my everything, but most importantly I wish I could share the one thing that's most important to me, My love for my Lord, oh bitter sweet it would it be, oh how I dream you could see, What you mean to me! yes, what you mean to me. If only, if only you could see what I see darling, that you dont fulfill me but you complete me, what you've taught me about me is what first attracted me to you, You stole my heart so quickly, well I could probably sue. and if I lost you, i'd be fine because in my heart you'll always be mine. What I cherish most about you, is how your heart is so honest and true. The world sees you as a pretty face, but honey that's the last thing that makes my heart race. Because your beauty only accents what you are inside, flawless and gorgeous just like a dime. and lastly and I wont say it so hastily, Your love for the lord is what really amazed me, and as I pray for you each day, my heart grows like flowers in the month of may. Most call me crazy for thinking of you my fine lady, but i'd take a leap of faith for a love me, maybe? They say your out of my league and there's other fish in the sea, but I would only hope you would go for someone like me.