Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New Beginnings

New year, new things right? I think this year I may take a different approach, Really just change how I come at things whether new challenges or missions I will wear a confidence of the Lord and take the leap of faith into the next journey of Life, The past year wasn't the best but God did show up and do some radical things in My life and that is definitely a sign that I am on somewhat the right path so Not a new start but New beginnings and I'm so excited to see the things that happen in ministry and in life. No more kicking up the feet but really getting up and running the race the Good race in which God has called us to! Another thing I've been struggling with is Time....yes......time we have such little time and no where near enough to get the stuff we need to get done. One  thing in particular that stands out is time with my own family and Friends, Growing up I really didn't have a lot of friends but now God has blessed me with almost to many and its super hard to manage my time with all of them and often time some are left and out which hurts my relationship with them. But I do know they are in my life for a reason and will forever cherish those Friendships. I'm gonna try to really push to right more than once a week but again I'm not a writer at all so bare with me friends.